
I can think of only one word to describe Firethorn by Ronie Kendig–Intense. Firethorn is the final book in the Discarded Heroes series and it delivers. From the opening page this book takes off and never slows down.

Griffin Riddell is in prison for a murder he didn’t commit when his black ops team Nightshade is attacked.  Covert operative Kazi Faron takes on the job of reassembling the team and she starts by breaking Griffen from prison. Griffin and Kazi work together to find his team and in the process Kazi learns that there are honorable men in the world that can be trusted.

If you are looking for a sweet romance or an easy read then Firethorn is not for you. However, if you desire  heart thumping action then I highly recommend this book.

If you haven’t read any of the other books in the series I recommend reading those first. There are a lot of characters and even with the glossary of characters it was confusing at times for me until I had everything straight in my mind. That being said this book was one amazing scene after another. The physicality of the story reminds me of a great action movie and I wouldn’t be surprised to see this made into a movie someday.