A Man to Trust

Carrie Turansky’s new release A Man to Trust is a contemporary romance about a young woman who dreams of becoming a professional musician but is being held back by family obligations.

Adrie Chandler needs to find a new manager to run her grandmother’s book store so she can be free to pursue her dream of playing flute professionally. When Ross Peterson shows up to apply for the position she immediately doubts his ability to run the store and doesn’t want to hire him, but her grandmother sees something in the man and hires him anyway.

Ross had to close his photography studio due to the economy. He’s desperate for a job and is relieved when he is hired to manage the Christian bookstore in town. But his bosses granddaughter seems to have something against him. He tries hard to prove himself to her and that he isn’t going to leave the minute something better comes along.

A Man to Trust is a delightful romance that deals with issues of forgiveness and trust in a very non-preachy way. I contacted Carrie to see if she would do an interview here and to my delight she said yes. So without further adieu I give you Carrie Turansky.

Welcome to Kimberly’s Musings, Carrie. Please tell us how you started your journey to publication.

Our family spent 1996 – 1997 in Kenya as missionaries. When we returned to the US I missed Africa so much I decided to write a book set there as a way to relive some of my experiences. I’d written reports and articles, but I didn’t know anything about the craft of writing fiction, so I just had fun and poured out the story. You learn to write by writing, so that was a great way to begin my learning process. I contacted an author I admired, Beth White, and she encouraged me to join a new group that had just started online, American Christian Fiction Writers. I was one of the first 100 members. We now have over 2500 aspiring and published authors in ACFW. I met my agent, my mentor, and many wonderful authors through this group. My first book was published in 2005, and I’ve had nine more published since then.

It’s clear your time in Kenya influenced you as you plotted this story. I’m a member of American Christian Fiction Writers as well and encourage all aspiring Christan fiction writers to check them out. The things I have learned from the people in this group have been invaluable.

How many books did you write before you were published?

I wrote four complete novels and two novellas before one was accepted for publication. That’s fairly common, so new writers shouldn’t be discouraged if their first book is not accepted. They should keep writing, reading, and learning and growing as a writer and as a Christian. God will take all you’ve been through and help you use it in your stories.

That’s good news to all of us still waiting for that phone call with news of a book contract. Thanks for the encouragement. 

One of the most fulfilling aspects of writing must be when a reader connects with your characters and their situation. Would you agree? Could you share a story about a reader who might have been profoundly affected by your writing?

I love hearing from readers. It’s always encouraging when they share how the book has touched their hearts or helped them. One woman shared that she was a new Christian and was struggling to learn how to pray, so she especially appreciated the prayers I included in the book. When I was writing the story, I had no idea that would meet a need like that. Another woman who is a hairdresser said she was given the book by one of her clients. She didn’t think she wanted to read a Christian romance, but didn’t want to be rude so she accepted the book. When she read it she was very touched by the heroine’s choice to forgive her father. She also said she hadn’t prayed for a long time, but as she finished the story she prayed, and then made a phone call to someone who has been reaching out to her and asking her to forgive them. Many others have written to tell me how they were impacted by one of my books. I treasure those emails.

That is so cool!

Do you ever dream of one of your novels being made into a movie?

Yes! Wouldn’t that be fun! I’m a very visual writer, so I often picture what I’m writing and it’s like watching a movie in my head. A few of my friends in ACFW have had their books made into movies, so maybe some day that will happen for me. I think my novella A Trusting Heart in Christmas Mail-Order Brides would make a great Hallmark movie.

I haven’t read that one. I love Christmas books and just finished writing one myself. I’ll have to pick up a copy of yours.

How do you create your characters and choose their professions, especially if you’ve never been a flutist or a business owner?

I do a lot of research online and talk to people who do have those professions. I usually try to choose something I am a little familiar with, but after this many books I have to step out and choose careers I don’t know much about. I use character work sheets and answer questions about my characters to help me get to know them.

I also find photos of each of my characters and the settings for my books online. I’ve created boards on Pinterest for my three newest books, A Man To Trust, Surrendered Hearts, and Snowflake Sweethearts. (That one will be published in late November this year.) If you’d like to see my characters just hop on over and take a peek. : https://pinterest.com/carrieturansky/

Thanks for sharing, Carrie. It’s always interesting to hear the story behind the story. If you’d like to find out more about Carrie and her books you will find her at https://www.carrieturansky.com/