Courting Miss Amsel

Historical romance, Courting Miss Amsel, is the first book I’ve read by Kim Vogel Sawyer. I really enjoyed the pacing of this entertaining story and almost read the entire 346 pages in one day.

At twenty-eight, Edythe Amsel, the new schoolmarm, craves the life of a single career woman. But life as a school teacher isn’t exactly all she expected.

Joel Townsend is raising his two nephews after their parents are killed in an accident. Although he’s not looking for a wife, the new schoolmarm has caught his attention. But Edythe makes it clear that she is not interested in a ready-made family.

Courting Miss Amsel follows Edythe’s first year teaching and all the ups and downs that she experiences, including the realization that she needs to turn control of her life over to God and trust Him to take care of her.