Love Finds You in Wildrose North Dakota

Love Finds You in Wildrose North Dakota, by Tracy Bateman is a wonderful love story that I had a hard time putting down.

Rosemary Jackson can’t wait to see her twin sister, Rachel. Her sister married a man who worked on their Pa’s cattle ranch. He wanted to have his own homestead so they moved to North Dakota. Rosemary hoped to run the ranch once her Pa passed, but he didn’t believe a woman could or should own a ranch. With no other option Rosemary sets off to live with her sister and brother-in-law.

A horrible blizzard hits while she is in route. The freight driver she rode with finally finds them shelter with a German family. The family knows her sister and tell her that she is an auntie. Now Rosemary understand why her sister never came to see their Pa when he was dying.

Once the blizzard clears Rosemary is taken to her family’s homestead. However when she arrives it’s clear something is terribly wrong. Her sister would never allow the sod home to be in such disarray.

This is where the story gets very good and I had a hard time putting it down.

Finn is beside himself. His infant daughter has something wrong with her and he doesn’t know what to do. He finally goes to town to take her to the doctor only to find out the daughter is away delivering a baby. He spends a week in town before returning home to find his sister-in-law in his home.

His wife died shortly after giving birth to their daughter and there is no way he can stay under the same roof as her twin.

I don’t want to spoil the story for you, but suffice it to say Rosemary has spunk. This story moved me in a way most books don’t. I highly recommend reading Love Finds You in Wildrose North Dakota if you enjoy historical romances.