Sandwich With a Side of Romance

Debut novelist, Krista Phillips, hit a home run with her contemporary romance, Sandwich With a Side of Romance. I cried, I laughed, and I couldn’t put it down. Please note it was just my tender heart that made me cry, it’s not a tear jerker.

Maddie Buckner has the ultimate bad day when she is fired on her first day cutting hair. She blames Reuben for her firing, since she wouldn’t have cut a chunk out of his hair if he hadn’t nodded off. Maddie is driven to succeed because she wants custody of her eleven-year-old brother who is in foster care and convinces Reuben that he owes her for getting her fired. He ends up hiring her to be a waitress in his sandwich shop. Turns out she stinks as a waitress, but she makes an excellent office assistant.

I don’t want to give anything away so I’ll leave it at that. Sandwich With a Side of Romance kept me glued to the pages. I read half the book in one sitting, and it’s not a short book!

Special thanks to Abingdon Press for the review copy.  I can honestly say I loved it. As you regular readers know I don’t gush unless I seriously enjoyed a book, and I only review books I liked.  I highly recommend Sandwich With a Side of Romance. You can visit Krista’s site at

Happy reading!