Dead Wrong Interview with Susan Sleeman

I’m so excited to have Susan back to tell about her new release Dead Wrong, I am a big fan of Susan’s and must say I loved this book! So without further adieu I give you my interview with Susan Sleeman.

Please give us short summaries of the two books in this series.

My November release, Dead Wrong is the second book in my Justice Agency series. This is a five book series about five siblings with a law enforcement background who now work together in a private investigations agency to help people who traditional law enforcement can’t help.

Dead Wrong features Kat Justice a former Portland police officer. When her client and old college friend is murdered, Kat knows the killer will come for her next. Her survival depends on finding her unknown enemy first…and working with homicide detective Mitch Elliot, her onetime crush. It takes all her professional skills to ignore the sparks between them, but Kat can’t allow the handsome cop to get close. She’s seen too many people she loves die, so she vows just to do her job without getting emotionally involved. Yet keeping her distance may not be the best way to protect her heart—or their lives.

Double Exposure featuring the oldest sibling, Ethan Justice released in June, and I’m thrilled to give away copies of that book today. In this book, photographer Jennie Buchanan unknowingly captures a drug-cartel meeting on film and now she has become a killer’s next target. Even worse, her only protection from the danger that threatens her life is the man who threatens her heart. Dodging bullets almost seems safer than facing the feelings stirred up by seeing former FBI agent and ex-boyfriend Ethan Justice again. Ethan vows to safeguard Jennie from the deadly men on her trail. And for a second chance at Jennie’s love, he’s willing to risk anything to expose the truth—about the drug smugglers, the past and the future together he still wants.

What is the take away from Dead Wrong either spiritual or otherwise?

Dead Wrong is all about worry so I chose the verse, Matt 6: 27 – Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Kat Justice struggles with worry. Her worry stems from losing family members and worrying about losing another loved one. She has to learn that worrying is a sin. That it’s telling God she doesn’t trust Him to work things out in His way.

What inspired this story?

As often happens with my plots, I came upon the germ of an idea for Dead Wrong’s plot while reading news stories on the Internet. The article that sparked the idea talked about people who keep cell phone accounts active for loved ones who had died so they can call the loved one’s voicemail to hear their voice. As usual, my mind took a weird twist and I asked the question, what if when the grieving loved one called the phone number someone answered the phone? In Dead Wrong, Kat’s friend does just that. Mourning the loss of her brother who committed suicide, she calls the voice mail and a man answers. She knows it’s not her brother on the end of the line, but she’s long thought her brother wouldn’t end his own life, and she’s now certain that the man who answered the phone is her brother’s killer. She hires the Justice Agency to find the man who possesses her brother’s phone.

What are you currently reading and besides this book is there one you recommend? 🙂

I’m currently reading my good friend Elizabeth Ludwig’s romantic suspense book. No Safe Harbor is her first romantic suspense book and it’s wonderful. Though I’m not a big reader of historical novels, hers captured me from page one and I’m not wanting it to end. I just finished reading The Stars Shine Bright by Sibella Giroello. This is one of her Raleigh Harmon novels. I recommend her books for many reasons, but I especially love her prose and her unique look at even the most mundane things in life. She writes beautifully, has created a unique character in Raleigh, and the suspense keeps me turning the pages.

For those aspiring writers who may be reading this interview, do you have one tidbit of advice to offer?

Since you just asked about books I read, I’d like to suggest that aspiring writers who are aiming for publication, read books in their chosen genre. Not just a book here or there, but voraciously devour novels by authors currently being published. This will not only give you a flavor for what publishers are looking for, but it will also help you learn the craft of writing. You can study the books to see what works for you as a reader and also what doesn’t work. This can help you develop your own writing style. And if you are targeting a specific publisher, like Love Inspired Suspense, reading the books can give you a feel for the pacing and style of the books.

Thanks, Susan.

Susan has graciously offered to give away three copies of Double Exposure If you would like to be entered for a chance  to win a copy be sure to leave a comment for Susan and include the answer to the following question. Susan would like to know what your favorite genre of fiction is and why you like reading it. You must answer her question for your comment to be entered into the drawing. The drawing will take place Monday November 19, 2012. I will contact you by email to let you know if your name is drawn.

This drawing is only open addresses in the USA. Void where prohibited.

SUSAN SLEEMAN is a best-selling author of inspirational romantic suspense and mystery novels. Her first romantic suspense title, High-Stakes Inheritance earned a spot on the ECPA bestseller list and her Garden Gate Mystery series, which features Nipped in the Bud, and Read Between the Tines has enjoyed time on Amazon bestseller lists as well. And The Christmas Witness was named a finalist in the 2011 Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense. In addition to writing, Susan hosts the popular internet website

She currently lives in Florida, but has had the pleasure of living in nine states. Her husband is a church music director and they have two beautiful daughters, a very special son-in-law, and an adorable grandson. To learn more about Susan stop by any of these locations on the web.

To learn more about Susan stop by any of these locations on the web.




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  • Merry

    I love Susan’s books. Romantic Suspense is my favorite genre. I love to be part of an exciting mystery, trying to guess what will happen and well, when there is romance and sparks are flying it is just perfect!
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  • Janet Estridge

    I love all Christian Fiction but the one I really love to read would be Mystery & Suspense.
    We have Susan’s books in the Church Library. Thanks for entering me in the book giveaway.

  • Donna Sorrells

    I love the mystery of who done it! Throw in the right amount of romance and it’s a great book!i don’t think I’ve read one of your books but am looking forward to doing so.

  • Lourdes Montes

    I love the suspense it just keeps me wanting more and more and I have always been fascinated by criminalogy.

    • susansleeman

      Criminology fascinates me, too, Lourdes. I watch all those documentaries on solving crimes and I even got to tour the forensic science division at the Portland Police Department. It was so interesting to get to spend the day with a CSI investigator!

  • Glenda Aexander

    I love your books, and Romantic Suspense is my favorite genre. I like getting lost in a book to get away from day to day stress.

  • Jackie Wisherd

    My favorite genre of fiction is mysteries . I think I like them best because it is a type of problem-solving which I enjoy, sort of like doing a crossword puzzle or just a jigsaw puzzle. I like how the main characters in mysteries finally arrive at a solution to the problem.

  • laura johnson

    My favorite genre is modern day romantic comedy but I also enjoy a fast action suspence with some romance thrown in. I like the romantic comedy because it is light hearted and easy on the mind for my down time. The suspence is great when I am on vacation.

  • Emily Reynolds

    Would love to read a romantic suspense! This series sounds fun. Thanks for the giveaway–please toss my name in the hat. Best wishes, Susan, on the success of your novels!

  • Nancee

    I’d love to be entered in your contest to win a copy of Susan’s new book, “Double Exposure.” Christian fiction, ie Amish, suspense, mystery, historical fiction are all favorites. I can’t really say that I could put one genre at the top of my list because each book offers such wonderful qualities of its own. I’m an avid reader of all genres, and I have found the Love Inspired books to be excellent! Thank you for offering this contest & giveaway!

  • Nancee

    I’d love to be entered in your contest to win a copy of Susan’s new book, “Dead Wrong.” Christian fiction, ie Amish, suspense, mystery, historical fiction are all favorites. I can’t really say that I could put one genre at the top of my list because each book offers such wonderful qualities of its own. I’m an avid reader of all genres, and I have found the Love Inspired books to be excellent! Thank you for offering this contest & giveaway!

  • Jackie Smith

    I love to read so much that historical, suspense, whatever is fine! Would love to read Susan’s book. Thanks for the chance!

  • Judy Pollock

    “Susan would like to know what your favorite genre of fiction is and why you like reading it.”

    Christian fiction is my new pastime and hobby, although I read Frank Peretti’s This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness years ago, and loved them. I don’t know many authors yet, but stumbled upon Robert Whitlow and really enjoy his legal thrillers. Inspirational novels grounded in Christian values filled with suspense, intrigue, and mystery are my favorite. I like plots with unexpected twists that keep you guessing and make the story unpredictable.

  • KayM

    I enjoyed the interview. My favorite genre is inspirational suspense with a bit of romance running through. I also read historical and contemporary romance. I prefer Christian fiction, and only rarely read novels that are not written from a Christian perspective. I’ve always enjoyed mysteries.

  • Maxie Lloyd-Hamilton Anderson

    I would love to win a copy of “Double Exposure”. The interview was good. I really love so many kinds of books, it is hard to name just one.Whether it’s christian fiction Romance, Mystery, Suspense, whichever I like it to be a clean book. Mostly what I have read lately is Amish Fiction. I love the simple , quite, life they live. A slow-paced life where Family and Community and Faith is all important. Without all of our electronic gadgets we have now that keeps people from really spending quality time together. They do so many things as a community, and always help others when they need help. Please enter my name. Maxie ( )

  • JaniceG

    I like contemporary fiction that deals with issues that Christians currently face in their walk through life with Christ. It is helpful to see what factors come into play and how the Christian perspective compares to the secular worldview perspective.

    It would be great to win one of your books. Thank you for offering them in this contest.

    Janice jsmithg(at)hotmail(dot)com