The Bridge

Karen Kingsbury’s new release The Bridge is a sweet love story. The story is told from four points of view, and the theme of hope and the spirit of Christmas shine strong. Romance lovers be warned, this is not category romance.

Molly Allen and Ryan Kelly met in college. There’s was a forbidden romance and ended thanks to her sly father. However that’s where the story begins, not ends. Molly and Ryan spent much of their time together in a bookstore owned by Charlie and Donna Barton. There they grew close to the older couple and to each other.

Charlie and Donna own The Bridge bookstore, but times are bad for the couple. A flood destroyed their inventory and they don’t have the money to acquire new inventory. To make matters worse they are unable to secure a loan. In a moment of despair Charlie considers the unthinkable.

I’d love to share more, but fear it would ruin the book for you.
It’s a little hard to describe this story as it is very different from what I usually read. I had a tough time getting past the first few chapters, but once I did I couldn’t put the book down. I was drawn to The Bridge because of the cover and refused to stop reading since I’d paid good money for it.:) I’m glad I kept going. If you’re looking for a great gift book , I recommend The Bridge. The pages are a tactile dream–they are so cool–think old fashioned paper that has uneven edges. I really love how this small hardback book was put together. Of course the story was pretty good too.