A Door County Christmas

Door-County-Cover1A Door County Christmas is four delightful novellas packed into one book. Each story takes place in Door County and the one common thread is Lola’s Christmas tea.

Book one, The Heart’s Harbor by Cynthia Ruchti is a humorous romance filled with mishaps and tender moments. Lola is called away to jury duty and leaves her famous annual Christmas tea in the care of Amanda Brooks, a beloved guest of the inn. Amanda has no idea when she heads to inn for a much needed vacation that she will be running Lola’s tea this year.

To complicate matters Lola’s son Jordan is visiting. The two work together to follow Lola’s instructions and what follows is a comedic attempt to live up to Lola’s reputation for putting on the best event of the season.

Book two, Ride with Me into Christmas by Rachel Phillips is a step out of the norm for a romance. Widow Joanna Flick keeps to herself since her husbands passing. Her adult son is worried about her and encourages her to start living again, but his idea of what his mom needs and hers are not the same.

Widower Paul Sorensen gladly helps when is quirky neighbor Joanna comes running out her door in a panic because of a spider. He’s been trying to befriend his new neighbor  since she moved in, but she usually runs inside every time she sees him. She continues to avoid him after the spider indecent, however that changes when his grandson wanders into her yard.

In book three, My Heart Still Beats by Elieen Key, Madison Tanner escorts two octogenarians to their vacation cottage in Door County. The couples niece is determined to get the older couple to sell their property and arranges to have a relator meet them at their vacation home to show to potential buyers. The couple agreed to show the cottage, but their hearts aren’t into in.

Realtor and widower Grant Stearling must sell the cottage before Christmas in order to get the money he needs to pay the tuition for his daughters private school education.  However the task is made more difficult by the couple who clearly don’t want to sell. He is curious about the young woman who accompanies them and his daughter takes to her immediately.

My Heart Still Beats is a delightful comedy and sweet romance.

Christmas Crazy by Becky Melby takes place at Door Counties comedy theater. Jillian Galloway shows up to help her Uncle salvage his business in time for Christmas. However the task is far greater than she imagined.

Ricky Jimmy a mysterious Brazilian is Jillian’s right hand man when it comes to getting things on the right track, but he’s full of more surprises that she ever dreamed.

Each of these stories put a smile on my face. If you are in the mood for a lighthearted Christmas read then A door County Christmas may be what you are looking for.