
2012-12-31 21.36.04Do you ever wish life had a pause button? If you are anything like me your answer is yes. I can’t tell you how many times my mouth has gotten ahead of my brain. I think these sea lions have the right idea.:)

It’s funny, I had started this post last Saturday and got stuck, then Sunday morning in church my pastor stole my blog idea! If only I could write as eloquently as he spoke this would go viral. LOL But seriously, I had given up on this post until his sermon.

To me the gist of his sermon can be summed up with this verse, Psalms 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God.” Yes, that’s what I need to do in those times my mouth runs ahead of my brain, or I jump into a project without thinking it through–pause reflect and refocus.

Maybe there really is a pause button after all, I just need to learn to use it.:)