
Tanya CoverWelcome to Kimberly’s Musings Tanya. I’m thrilled to have you here. Please tell us about Unconditional.

Unconditional is an Inspirational novel. This book really asks one question, “Is love worth fighting for?” I’ll give you a sneak peak. =)

He will fight for her at any cost…

Elizabeth Roberts can’t remember her past, and the present is too painful. She turns to nightclubs and drinking to forget her infant daughter’s death, and her husband’s affair.

When his wife’s coma wiped out the memory of their marriage, Chris Roberts found comfort elsewhere. He can’t erase his betrayal, but with God’s help he’s determined to fight for Elizabeth at any cost.

She wants to forget. He wants to save his marriage. Can they trust God with their future and find a love that’s unconditional?

That sounds intense. How long did it take you to write Unconditional?

Unconditional took about two years to write start to finish.

I took a detour when I entered Unconditional in the ACFW Genesis Contest in 2011and it semi-finaled. Shortly after I returned from the conference in St. Louis, I lost half of my manuscript and had to rewrite it.

Yikes! Losing part of or even all of a manuscript is a writers worst nightmare. I had that happen once and had to piece it back together from critiques I’d saved. Congratulations on semi-finaling! I semi-finaled in the Genesis in 2012.:)

What made you want to write this story?

Unconditional is dear to my heart. Statistics show Christian and non-Christian marriages are failing at the same rate. I believe in marriage there needs to be an unconditional love as God shows and displays in our lives. At times, we may feel like our spouse is our enemy, but God tells us to love our enemies, so what is that saying for our marriages today? We need to show a love that isn’t possible from us alone, but a love that comes from God who ordained marriage to last.

I wholeheartedly believe that if we fight for our marriages and follow after Christ, He will be the One to grow in us an unconditional love for our spouses.

I grew up in a family were divorce is common, like most people today, with the idea once you “fall” out of love, and you can’t get along anymore, it’s time to get a divorce. It was almost engraved in me witnessing everyone in my family get divorced one time or many times. I, too, almost went down that route with divorce papers in hand. I told myself many things at the time, but the truth. I was focused on our failures, not the hope that with God, all things are possible. The question was, were we willing to save our marriage at all costs? Would we fight for each other, whether we felt like it or not?

The story opens in a situation some married couples might find themselves in, losing a child, being in a loveless marriage, and experiencing hurt by feelings of abandonment, and adultery. Faced with the choice to fight for the marriage at any cost or give up. In my story, as in real life, there is a choice.

Well said! Thanks for sharing, Tanya. What’s next for you writing wise?

Right now I’m in the process of editing a Historical Romance that’s set in Boston during 1889 called The Rescue. I’ve also started the next in the series to Unconditional, so I’m having a wonderful time writing and editing.

Right now I’m in the process of editing a Historical Romance that’s set in Boston during 1889 called The Rescue. I’ve also started the next in the series to Unconditional, so I’m having a wonderful time writing and editing.

Excellent, I’m sure your readers will be thrilled to hear another book is in the works.

I always like to toss in a fun light-hearted question so here’s yours. Please tell us one thing about yourself that might surprise us.

I love to fish! I enjoy getting out in the bass boat and spending a few hours on the water. My dad always wanted a boy; instead he got a baby girl. He taught me how to fish at an early age, and it came in handy when I met a guy from my church who loved to fish. Now married seventeen years, my husband said it was one of the things he found attractive about me, a companion to share his life with.

I certainly understand dad’s without a boy. Mine took me deep sea fishing off the coast of San Diego when I was a girl.:)

Thanks so much for joining us here today. I’ve enjoyed learning about your book and getting to know you a little.

Tanya has offered to give away an EBook copy of Unconditional.  Please leave her a comment and answer the question to be entered into the drawing and per usual if you are a new follower, I will enter your name twice.

Note: I realized after this post went live that I forgot the question. Only one comment came in before the question and she will automatically be entered due to my error. Here’s the question: Have you ever loved or been loved unconditionally? or What does unconditional love mean to you? Feel free to share more if you’d like.

  The winner will be announced on Monday April 8th 2013. Void where prohibited by law.


Tanya Eavenson and her husband have been involved in ministry for fifteen years teaching youth and adults, and doing counseling. Tanya enjoys spending time with her husband, and their three children. Her favorite pastime is grabbing a cup of coffee and reading a good book. Tanya is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and writes for Christ to the World Ministries sharing the Gospel around the world.

Readers can find me at:

Website: https://www.tanyaeavenson.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@Tan_eave

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tanya-Eavenson/129609683872033

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6913760.Tanya_Eavenson

Google +:  https://plus.google.com/111621198804346509165#111621198804346509165/posts

Excerpt From Unconditional

Chapter One

Elizabeth pushed herself up from the bed. Her gaze swept the dark room and fixed on the hall nightlight. Her hand grazed over her husband’s shoulder when a thought gripped her. Katherine. The baby monitor stood silent. Darkness shrouded the red and green lights that indicated movement.

Her chest tightened. She hurled the covers away and leapt to the floor. Panic made her clumsy as she rushed to her daughter’s room. She lunged over the crib. No sound. No movement. Not even a stirring of air from her tiny nostrils.

“Katherine!” Elizabeth snatched her daughter from the mattress. The infant drew a heavy breath as her eyes flung wide open.

Lord, what’s happening?

Elizabeth’s bare feet pounded the cold tile as she ran back to her husband. “Chris, wake up! Katherine quit breathing again!”

Chris rubbed his eyes and scowled. “What is it?”

“We need to take Katherine to the hospital. She stopped breathing.”

He studied their child. “She seems to be breathing now. Are you sure?”

“Of course, I’m sure.”

“She’s fine.” Chris fell back against the pillow.


“We don’t have the money to take her to the hospital when there’s nothing wrong with her.”

“But there is. She stopped breathing.”

He sat back up. “You’ve been worried about her since before she was born. You’re all worked up because she hasn’t rolled over yet. The doctor said that’s normal for being early.”

She’s called a preemie. She glared into his eyes. “If you were home more often you’d know she’s not fine.”

“I’m home, Elizabeth, and she’s fine.”

Heat flushed her cheeks as tears filled her eyes. “I’m scared. Can’t you see that? I need you to pray for our daughter. I need you to hold me and tell me everything will be all right.”

“Look, she’s sleeping.” His voice softened as his hand ran down her thigh. “Come to bed.”

“How can you care so little? I’m worried about our baby.”

Chris’s hand dropped to the sheets. “Shut the door when you leave.” He turned away from her.

Elizabeth stood for a moment unable to speak. With their baby in her arms, she slowly closed the door behind her and sank her teeth into her lip to keep from crying. If tears came, it would be for her daughter, not for the stranger in her bed.

Purchase links: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Unconditional-ebook/dp/B00AZL8F5G/ref=tmm_kin_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1357883999&sr=1-1

Barnes and Nobles: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/reviews/Unconditional%2FTanya-Eavenson/1114108760?ean=2940016066837

ITunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/unconditional/id592895859?mt=11C:\Users\Tanya\Documents\Add-in%20Express