Author Spotlight on Melissa Wardwell, Dance and be Glad

13250334_1642522199406063_144479392_nJillian Matthews is a widowed mom and owner of a dance studio in a small farming community. Cows, corn, ballet shoes, and her daughter, Katie, are her life. With the passing of her husband, a piece of her died in the desert of the Middle East, nine years ago. She finds little joy in her life except for her daughter. When an old flame, Dr. Michael Emerson waltzes back into her life he awakens things she thought dead and gone. Dr. Michael Emerson told himself he was happy with his bachelorhood after a messy divorce. His recent relationship proved to him that his life as an ER doctor had no room for a wife and family. When tragedy strikes and he is left with an unforeseen situation, he must evaluate his life and make changes. Jill’s friendship becomes a lifeline for him, but his growing affections for her make things even more difficult.
13112618_1642629176062032_373385162_oMelissa Wardwell says “I write contemporary fiction/ romance with a focus on mothers of all walks of life. (Be sure to read to the end) Before we get started, let me tell you a bit about myself and my writing. I was born and raised in a small town in Michigan. (Wanna know where? Hold up your right, palm facing you, and hold it in the shape of a mitten. You see that padded part just below the thumb? Now see the crease your hand makes? I’m at the tip of that crease. It’s about half way between Flint and Lansing. Did you do it? LOL) Okay, back to being serious. I have been with and married to my high school sweetie for a total of 21 years now (married for 17). We have three children – 2 boys who are 14 and almost 13; 1 daughter who will be 10 soon. We are proud homeschool parents and so glad God has blessed us with the means to be able to keep our children home. We are active during the school year with basketball and dance classes. I am so glad that that part of the year has come to an end. I am a retired bridal consultant as well. I miss working in the industry, but the occasional friend or relative that becomes engaged knows where to find me. I have no problem filling that need for a consultant from time to time. (It also gives me up to date material for my “Brides of Promise” Novella series.) I started writing August of 2014 after sharing a story that God laid on my heart with an old friend. “What God Brings Together” was the result and was published in December 2014. The stories have flowed like a waterfall since. I just wish I had more time to write it all down. I have 3 titles under my name on Amazon, and I’ll be adding another soon. I also blog with book reviews and thoughts.” – new subscribers are entered into monthly drawings for Amazon gift cards. melissawardwell_author – on Instagram – Follow my Amazon page