#Sale and #NewRelease with Angela Ruth Strong

Before we get to our featured author, I wanted to let you know that a collection I am a part of is currently on sale for only 99¢. This book is usually priced at $3.49 and has never gone this low before. I will admit, this is not my favorite cover, but the stories are absolutley worth checking out, so please do not let the cover turn you away. 🙂  https://amzn.to/2bL5jSx
In Love and War
Now for our featured author this week. Angela Ruth Strong studied journalism at the University of Oregon and currently lives in Idaho where she started IDAhope Writers. She’s won both the Cascade Award and Idaho Top Author. She’s excited to release her first Christmas romance, Finding Love in Big Sky this September, and she has a romantic suspense novel, Presumed Dead, coming out with Love Inspired Suspense in February ’17.
Bright Star Ranch led him to her–but will he stay?
Josh Lake is forced to head home for the holidays after he’s suspended from his job in the city, but running into Paisley Sheridan could be exactly what he needed. Not only does she board him at her ranch in exchange for his advertising expertise, but spending the Christmas season with her in Big Sky, Montana, brings more joy than he’s felt in a long while. Is he willing to give up the lavish lifestyle he’s worked for in exchange for the gift of love?
The last thing Paisley wants for Christmas is to spend time with Josh Lake—the guy who broke her heart in high school—but until her bank loan goes through, she has to take all the free help she can get. Unfortunately, Josh seems to want back in her life again, and the town’s quirky coffee shop owners don’t help by hanging mistletoe at every opportunity. Will Paisley succeed in driving him away, or will she find the healing needed to have hope for a future together?
Author Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AngelaRStrong
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1557213161269220/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4746114.Angela_Ruth_Strong