Attention EU and UK Readers and Readers who Like Deals

Given the new EU and UK regulations for personal data protection that require everyone to reconfirm their email subscriptions, I need to verify that you would like to continue receiving my blog. I have a privacy policy posted on my website. Please click the Home button at the top of this post. The link is directly below the Newsletter Signup.
In a nutshell, WordPress tracks your country of origin, ISP and how often you visit the site, this information is not attached to a particular individual for my viewing, it’s just general stats. I do have your email and name. The only time I share your information is when on the rare occasion I have a giveaway on this blog and the author doing the giveaway needs your email.
If you wish you may unsubscribe by clicking “unsubscribe” at the bottom of this email.
If you do not hit unsubscribe, I will take that to mean you want to continue receiving your subscription to Weekly Musings.
Now for something more pleasant.
A Rekindled Romance is on sale today for 99¢. It’s on Kindle Countdown, so grab your copy today or tomorrow before the price begins to climb back to regular price.
A Rekindled Meme with hook