An Encore For Estelle The Story Behind the Story

The Story Behind the Writing of Encore for Estelle

By Kimberly Rose Johnson


Writing An Encore for Estelle was an experience like no other for me. I wrote it in about five weeks not including editing time. I generally like three to four months to write a story. However, that was not possible with this book since I wanted to release it four months after I released, A Love Song for Kayla, the first book in my Melodies of Love series.

I had received the rights back on this book from my publisher and wanted to get it up on Amazon before Valentine’s Day. I succeeded, but didn’t consider how quickly I would need to write next book. In fact that didn’t occur to me until over a month later! I realized I needed to write the second book and stop mulling over the idea of writing one.

Readers wanted a sequel to what was originally a stand-alone novel, and I didn’t want to disappoint them, so I buckled down and wrote until my fingers hurt. I’m not joking; they really did hurt. I won’t do that again to myself. It is such a relief to have met my deadline for this book.

An Encore for Estelle is the first book I have published on my own. There is a lot that goes into publishing, and it takes time that I hadn’t considered at first. I was thankful one of my publisher’s editors could fit my book into her schedule and get it back to me faster than she’d anticipated.

This book will always be one of my favorites because it is my very first independently published book. I worked hard to keep the quality as high as my traditionally published novels, and I hope readers enjoy the result.

Here’s the back cover blurb for the book.

The theater ties them together but a painful past could pull them apart.

At a crossroads, former movie star Estelle Rogers, returns to the place that set her life on a new course. Although she expects a rough reception she is pleasantly surprised by the second chance she’s been given and quickly settles into her new position at the local children’s theater. But her road back to acting isn’t as smooth as she would like.

Tragedy brought Blake Price to Oak Knoll, Oregon, but it’s love that keeps him there. His late wife and daughter loved acting, and he owes it to them to honor their memory with the children’s theater, but his new assistant is making changes he isn’t ready for both at the theater and in his heart. Can he forgive himself and move forward, or will he forever be tied to the biggest mistake of his life?

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