Direct Threat Sneak Peak
Direct Threat is the first book in the Protection Inc. series. It releases June 1st. Here’s a sneak peak a the opening scene.
Carissa Jones peered out of her client’s front window. Unease settled in her stomach. The hair on her neck prickled. She pulled out her sidearm and looked toward the trees that edged the driveway. A branch wiggled back and forth as though it had been bumped. “Olivia! We need to go,” Carissa called to the ten-year-old who’d been under her protection.
Olivia’s mom rushed into the room and stopped. Her gaze rested on Carissa’s Glock. Mrs. Drummond’s skin faded a shade or two lighter. “Is it them?”
“I don’t know for sure, but something feels wrong. Stay back and out of sight. I think someone’s out there. Is Olivia packed?”
“Yes. She’ll be down in a moment. Remember, Olivia thinks you’re a family friend accompanying her to her grandparents for the summer. You’re acting as her nanny while she’s there. She is not to know about any of this. So put that thing away.”
Keeping Olivia oblivious wasn’t going to be easy, but Carissa would do her best to honor the parents’ wishes. “I understand.” She holstered her weapon and turned from the window.
Glass shattered.
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