A Valentine for You

This morning my husband and I decided to escape our freezing house and take a drive to charge our phones and go to Target. On Friday night we lost power due to a big ice event in our area. Anyway as we were strolling though a darkened Target, I saw Valentine’s Day cards displayed. They had lost power too, but had enough lights to see and the self -checkout open. Due to all the craziness of the past couple of days Valentine’s Day slipped my mind. I wished my honey a Happy Valentine’s Day and kept walking–we don’t exchange gifts.

Several years ago I sat down to write on Valentine’s Day disgruntled and annoyed. I really disliked the holiday. My dislike for the day inspired me to ask the question what if a florist store owner hated Valentine’s Day. I went with the idea and started writing the book I now call A Love Song for Kayla.

Just so everyone knows, I’ve come to terms with Valentine’s since and really don’t mind it anymore.

Part of the reason for my shift in attitude was the act of writing A Love Song for Kayla. In a way writing that book healed my bad attitude.

I decided very last minute to reduce the price on my bargain collection for my Melodies of Love series to only 99¢ today through Feb. 19, 2021. If you’ve never read this series, now is the perfect time to snag a copy that includes the entire series.

I hope you enjoy the remainder of your weekend. Stay safe and warm!