My Anti-Valentine’s Day Book

Anyone who knows me or has been following me for awhile knows Valentine’s Day is not one of my favorite days. That being said, since writing my anti-Valentine’s Day book, A Love Song for Kayla, my attitude is improving a little bit each year.

If you subscribe to my newsletter you know why my attitude has improved. If you don’t, suffice it to say, I’ve lowered my expectations.

Regardless of how you feel about the day, I hope you will check out my ebook A Love Song for Kayla which is currently only 99¢ until Feb. 18, 2023.  The book as well as the series compilation is free to read with Kindle Unlimited.

Here’s a bit about the story:

Kayla Russel hates Valentine’s Day and has all but given up on finding love until a new guy to town walks into her flower shop right before her least favorite day of the year. There is something mysterious about him that intrigues her, but when she finds out the truth everything changes.