
ShatteredSMSubmerged by Dani Pettrey is classified as a romantic suspense, but it doesn’t have the same feel as  from this genre. It’s a little more easy going and focuses more on the relationships of the characters rather than imminent danger. That being said, I liked it.:) I don’t need heart-racing-suspense all the time.

Baily is called back to Alaska after her beloved aunt is killed in a plane crash. The idea of returning to the small town where she has a reputation as a party girl terrifies her, but Agnes raised her and loved her unconditionally and she will honor her aunt.

She returns to town ready to tie up Agnes’ loose ends then leave and head back to Oregon, but because of her knowledge of Russian history she sticks around to help solve the murder mystery.

Cole McKenna owns and operates the dive shop along with his siblings. When a plane crashes in the ocean he is called in to help with the rescue. He works with the police whenever the need arises.

Cole has always cared for Baily and when he sees her at Agnes’ funeral he reaches out to her. She shuts him down cold.

In addition to Cole and Baily there is another point of view character–Landon, a family friend and police officer. Landon plays a supporting role in this book, but I expect to see him star in one of the next books in the series.

I won’t tell you anymore and rest assured everything here is in the first chapter, so I didn’t spoil the story for you.

Like I mentioned above I liked Submerged. It took me a while to read it, but I tend to read ebooks slower than paper. Not sure why, but they typically take me much longer to get through. If you enjoy Dee Henderson’s style of romantic suspense, I believe Submerged would appeal to you.