Winds of Wyoming

RCLyles Cover

Today we get to learn about Winds of Wyoming, but before we do, last weeks winner for the drawing was Nancee. Congratulations! 

Welcome Rebecca. Please tell us about Winds of Wyoming.

Fresh out of a Pennsylvania penitentiary armed with a marketing degree, Kate Neilson heads to Wyoming anticipating an anonymous new beginning as a guest-ranch employee. A typical twenty-five-year-old woman might be looking to lasso a cowboy, but her only desire is to get on with life on the outside—despite her growing interest in the ranch owner. When she discovers a violent ex-lover followed her west, she fears the past she hoped to hide will trail as close as a shadow and imprison her once again.

What inspired this story?

I’ve experienced the heartache (and the joy!) of walking alongside hurting individuals through prison and post-prison ministry. Women behind bars are daughters and sisters and wives and mothers who care deeply for their families and friends and who feel the pain of empty arms when they’re separated from their loved ones. They long for wholeness and oftentimes struggle with low self-esteem as well as recovery from addictions or abusive relationships.

Despite the thrill of freedom when they’re finally released from prison, life on the outside can be difficult for ex-offenders. If they don’t quickly find a healthy support system, they can slide back into sin. Landing a job is tough for them as is figuring out where they fit in society, which includes the question of whether or not they’ll be accepted in churches.

To highlight the challenges former inmates face, I created an ex-offender heroine who starts her life anew in a totally different environment, a heroine whose past refuses to release her. Plus, I added a great group of supporting characters to help her walk in the Light day by difficult day.

What do you consider to be the take away from this book?

One of my favorite scriptures is Romans 15:13 – “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace . . .” Hope is a key theme in the book, as are transparency and forgiveness.

That’s a great verse. Thanks for sharing.  I’ve enjoyed learning about Wind’s of Wyoming. Now I’d like to find out a little about you. What do you like to do in your free time?

In addition to reading a good book, fiction or nonfiction, and cooking from scratch, I enjoy being outdoors. I like to walk, hike, bike, camp, snowshoe, cross-country ski and garden.

Sounds like you know how to have fun. What is next for you? Do you have anything in the works?

I just finished “Winds of Freedom,” the sequel to “Winds of Wyoming” (big sigh of relief—the edits were tough!) and sent copies off to several proofreaders. After I’ve inputted their suggestions, then the manuscript heads for the publisher and a spring release. Here’s a blurb:

Four women fight for freedom and wholeness—for themselves and each other. Kate Neilson’s own loss and heartache during a long cold winter take a backseat to the needs of her failing great-aunt plus those of her mother-in-law and her best friend, who’ve both been ensnared by evil.

Thanks for sharing with us today, Rebecca, and for graciously offering to give away one Ebook to a lucky commenter. To be entered you must answer the question below. Good luck! The winner will be announced on Monday March 18th. Void where prohibited by law.

What is the correct name for the big, dark, humped bovines featured in Zane Grey’s “The Thundering Herd” (and in the Winds novels) and these days most commonly found in Yellowstone National Park?


Rebecca Carey Lyles is a freelance writer and editor whose articles and stories have appeared in magazines and compilations. In addition to her novels, she’s also written two nonfiction books, “It’s a God Thing! Inspiring Stories of Life-Changing Friendships” and “On a Wing and a Prayer: Stories from Freedom Fellowship, a Prison Ministry.” She and her husband, Steve, live in beautiful Boise, Idaho. Website: Email: Facebook: Rebecca Carey Lyles Twitter: @BeckyLyles Blog:


  • Maxie Lloyd-Hamilton Anderson

    They are Buffalo. At least that’s what I always have heard them called, and I lived in Wyoming where I saw many. Sometimes you would have to stop the car out in the National Park and wait until one decided to move out of the road. They definitely are not afraid of people. They are huge. I lived in Jackson Hole, so saw them there and also in Yellowstone. I loved Wyoming. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com


    I thought they were Bison…not sure if it’s american or not but when we were there they are often called buffalo because they resemble the original breed but they are in fact bison.

    truckredford at gmail dot com

  • mariannebarkman

    I’m not sure but have heard it said that the only true buffalo is the water buffalo, and i’m sure that those are not water buffalo. So i would have to say Bison. But that is scientifically speaking, and i am also sure that the animals don’t care what they are called!


  • Becky Lyles

    Thanks for all your fun comments! And thank you, Kimberly, for featuring “Winds of Wyoming” on your beautiful blogsite. Will be fun to see who wins a free copy of the book. 😉

  • Janet Estridge

    The big, dark, humped bovines are called bison or buffalo. We saw them in Yellowstone National Park and they can pretty much go wherever they want.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  • Becky Lyles

    You-all are so smart! We tend to call bison “buffalo”; however, the official (nonscientific) name is “American bison.” Thanks for participating! Have a wonderful Easter celebration, Becky