Be Still

029 Psalm 46:10

This isn’t the devotion I had originally planned for this morning, but while laying in bed talking myself into getting up, I couldn’t get the verse out of my mind. Recently I had the most amazing experience while being still with God. I had just finished my bible reading and prayer time when it hit me, not for the first time, that communication is two way.

I was alone in the house, so absolute silence reigned. I closed my eyes and told God it was His turn. I stilled my thoughts and sat quietly. Suddenly He spoke to me. No, it was in an audible voice, but I knew He had spoken.

I don’t know about anyone else, but when I’m in the presence of God I become overwhelmed and always cry. The same thing happened this time. Unfortunately I was so overwhelmed that He had actually communicated with me that I lost my focus. There is something amazing about being still in God’s presence and I need to be still before Him more often.

As we prepared to celebrate the Lord’s resurrection, I hope you will take time to be still with Him and listen for His quiet voice.