Natalie’s Deception with Bonnie Engstrom

IMG_0171 (1)Lies, guilt, stalking. Natalie is injured and left lying on the ground. Melanie is terrified of her step-father. Bryce is drowning in guilt. Billy is frustrated, mad at himself. Emily is despondent. Claire has something up her sleeve.
Two handsome men vie for Natalie’s attention, traveling from Newport Beach to Scottsdale, Arizona to woo her. But one caused her back injury, and one strands her on the top of a Ferris Wheel knowing how terrified she is of heights, even though she took sky-diving lessons with him.
Depressed Emily confides in Natalie, and Emily’s life takes a turn thanks to Nick’s meddlesome mother, Claire. Is love still possible? If it is, what would the Feng Shui designer chose as a wedding theme? Certainly, not pink. And, hot dogs at the reception?
Will Natalie ever find love? She wants it badly, but is thrilled two Candy Canes are expecting babies. She will be an aunt again. But, when will she be a wife and mother?
Natalie stared at the ceiling in her bedroom. Her life seemed to revolve around a cat and her friends. No romance. She knew of all the Candy Cane sisters she was the least chic. Doreen was a model now, Noelle with her blonde hair and effervescent personality and stylish taste in clothes had always been dubbed stunning, Connie was a fashion designer and pretty and wore her own gorgeous designer clothes as well as now being married to a handsome banker, Candy was just Candy. She was truly beautiful and loved so much by a man who showed that love to convince her to marry him – twice. Cindy, of course, glowed with the Lord’s light. She was the consummate leader, the one who encouraged and prayed and the one they all truly believed would plant a church in Costa Rica, the one who loved Rob with all his health failings, the one who had given all of them the first Candy Cane baby. Now, because of Cindy, they were all aunts.
Her mind wandered to Melanie, the latest Candy Cane who was so graciously accepted after she had caused Doreen’s accident. Melanie was special and had become an integral member of the group. She prayed with them, she supported them, she shared her own pain. Natalie felt a unique bond with her. Yes, she was special.
What was she, Natalie? How special was she to anyone?
New Website photo 6-7-15 IMG_0903“A grandchild.” What Bonnie Engstrom prayed for many years. Finally, it happened, then there was the explosion – six grandchildren! Four live in Scottsdale a stone’s throw from her and Grandpa Dave, and two live in Costa Rica on the beach. Surf’s Up! Pura Vida. All make occasional cameo appearances in her stories.
When she finally realized her other dream of publishing Christian fiction she sandwiched it between taking grandchildren to soccer practice and gymnastics (after the years of changing diapers). Now, she juggles picking up four children after school to help her daughter who is the director of a Christian Pre-school and Kindergarten, and when the kids are settled with their IPads (best Christmas present ever), she slinks into her den and writes.
Life is frantic and crazy sometimes, but always entertaining and filled with joy.
Bonnie and her psychologist husband Dave have been married for over 53 years. A true milestone for a shrink. Yes, we all affectionately refer to him as the resident shrink who now teaches online classes for the University of Phoenix and classes at the hospital where he is on staff, and frequently babysits his grandkids. He is a great support to Bonnie in her writing, and as the now resident chef makes a succulent dinner.
Bonnie was raised in Pittsburgh, PA and Dave in Chicago, and they raised their children in Newport Beach for over thirty years. So, if you have roots in any, please share. If you wish to contact her, please email her at Be sure to put the word BOOK in the subject line in case your post goes into her crazy junk mail file.
If you enjoyed Natalie’s Deception, please start from the beginning of the Candy Canes stories and read Noelle’s Christmas Wedding. I promise you will not be disappointed. All the Candy Cane girls are unique and have fun, share faith and friendship.
You can also reach Bonnie through her website and Face Book. Put her name in, but she is not a frequent FB contributor because she is not real good at it.
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