Lamp onto Her Feet with Paula Mowery

Lamp Unto Her Feet has not yet released, but will soon.
LampUntoHerFeet_prc5374_300Kenzie Murrah has lost the guiding voice of her Nana Nita just when she needs it most. She’s graduating mid-year with her early childhood degree, but her parents expect her to join the family chiropractic business. In her Bible, Nana explains how God’s Word can guide Kenzie, but there’s doubt on Kenzie’s part, until the highlighted verses begin to follow her life much too closely.
Trevor Wallen escaped an embarrassing and reputation smearing incident to become a police officer in the small Tennessee town. He strives to do his best to follow Christian principles but longs for God to bring someone into his life with those same morals and values.
Kenzie and Trevor share an attraction for one another that grows into more until a tragedy threatens to end everything. Kenzie begins to shy away from reading the next scripture passage, for fear of what may happen.
Will Kenzie learn she can trust God’s Word? Will Kenzie and Trevor get the chance for a happily ever after despite the dangers of his occupation?
DSC_0275 (2)Paula is a pastor’s wife, mom to a college student, author, acquiring editor, and speaker. No matter the hat she wears, she strives to honor God’s plan even if it means going out on a limb and leaving comfort zones. Reviewers have characterized her writing as “thundering with emotion.” Her book, Be The Blessing, won the 2014 Selah Award in the novella category. Paula enjoys reading and reviewing Christian fiction, writing Christian romance and devotionals, and helping other authors realize their dream of publication.
Learn more about Paula and find other places to link with her on her blog at