Cherry Blossom Capers

Cherry Blossom Capers is a four-in-one romance collection with threads of mystery and a little suspense.The stories all take place in Washington DC and follow the lives of four friends who live in the Cherry Blossom Estates.

Book one State Secrets, by Lynette Sowell, finds White House chef, Tara Whitley, in the middle of FBI agent Jack Courtland’s investigation.

In book two, Dying for Love,  by Carra C. Putman, attorney Ciara Turner discovers the body of the judge she’s come to meet. Her former friend and co-worker Daniel Evans is determined to solve the murder.

Book three, Buried Deception, by Gina Conroy has Archaeology intern Samantha Steele reeling when she discovers that a historical artifact has been swapped out for a fake. Former police officer, Nick Porter, determines to find the thief and bring him to justice while at the same time trying to protect Samantha.

Book four, Coffee, Tea, and Danger, by Frances Devine, follows Susan Holland the owner of  Coffee, Tea, and Sweets. Susan inherits the mansion of her Uncle, a former ambassador, along with all the trouble that he was hiding. Someone is out to kill Susan, and contractor Vince Martini is determined to protect her.

If you’re looking for an easy summer read then grab a copy of Cherry Blossom Capers. I’m not sure which story was my favorite as they all were enjoyable, but what makes a book like this so nice is that one story can easily be read in a day beside the pool. I have to admit to being disappointed when the first one ended as it seemed a bit sudden, but then I changed my expectations, realizing these were short stories that could only be developed so far. Once I accepted that fact the novellas entertained me from beginning to end. For those of you who enjoy reading but find yourself challenged for time a book like Cherry Blossom Capers is perfect.