Spring till September with Sarah E. Kincaid


            Spring till September


Caroline Hatfield has been the poster child for genuine ‘good girls’. She went away to college, received an excellent education, and has returned home to the high school from which she graduated to be a teacher. She has what many would consider a picture-perfect life: career, home, boat, travel, family, safe, settled.

Seth Garrett, on the other hand, has been a nomad learning young that uncertainty is one of the only certain things in life. As a member of the West Virginia National Guard, he has moved to the small coal-mining town of Williamson, WV only to advance his career. His life here is to be temporary placement in order to receive a rank change. Temporary and unsettled is his story having been uprooted and moved more times than he cares to remember, so coming to Williamson is nothing new.

By chance as these stories often go, Caroline and Seth meet and the emptiness they each have felt for so long seems to be filled over the course of one blissful summer. They have been so focused on dotting i’s crossing t’s they have forgotten to live for themselves. Because of past hurts and disappointments, they are very guarded and unsure if they should let the other in.

You will also be introduced to a variety of other characters that make up the story of life. You will see how through the years events that seem insignificant even unimportant carry the greatest impact in the future. You will hear stories each character tells along the way adding a thread to the fabric that binds this group together – life.

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And then Winter

Book Two

 And then Winter is the second installment in the series by Sarah E. Kincaid following Spring till September. The book picks up where the previous ends and finds Caroline and Seth struggling with the changes in their relationship. True to their nature, they internalize many of their feelings and divert their attention on work. People and places from their pasts begin to appear more prominently in view and to avoid or ignore is no longer an option. The cold that arrives with Winter seems to envelop them and they continue to pack their hearts in ice hoping numbness will eventually give way to healing. The blissfulness of possibilities that overflowed in the Spring has disappeared to be replaced by uncertainty and heartache.

And then Winter is scheduled to release later this Fall.


Sarah E. Kincaid is a high school teacher in the coalfields of Eastern Kentucky. A graduate of Alice Lloyd College and Morehead State University, Kincaid has a Bachelor of Arts Social Studies, Bachelor of Science Biological Sciences, and Master of Science Biology. She was an adjunct professor for several years at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College and now serves as a Dual Credit Professor through the University of Pikeville teaching Anatomy and Physiology.

Kincaid’s most exciting accomplishment has been publishing her first novel, ‘Spring till September’ (WestBow) which is the first book in a planned series. She had always dreamed of writing and publishing, but fear and hesitation kept her from pursuing this beyond a hobby. Realizing that life is short and can change in an instant, Kincaid became motivated to finish. Since publishing, she has also become a contributing writer with Annesley Writers Forum (www.annesleywriters.com), feature contributor for The Christian Post Voices (www.christianpost.com/voices) started a blog (https://www.facebook.com/SarahEKincaidAuthor/) which is definitely a work in progress, is learning from the ground up the values of marketing and self-promotion through social media and has become a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. Her second book is scheduled to release 2018.

Wit and humor has been a tool that Kincaid uses to roll through life especially on days that are difficult, when the mundane becomes overwhelming, or public school teaching makes you reevaluate everything – good or bad. Describing herself as almost hyper-observant, she thinks in details and sees everyone as a new character she has yet to meet or create.

Whether it is planning activities with her four nieces and four nephews, road trips with Me, Mom, and the Aunts, or favorite childhood memories spent on the waters of South Holston Lake, adventures with family is what Kincaid loves best. She proudly makes perfect cornbread, thinks Border Collies are beautiful, enjoys golf though her game needs improvement, believes every fine lady will always have an embroidered handkerchief, and is happy to say her mother is her very best friend.   Kincaid is confident God has a wonderful story for everyone to tell and wants to show that Christ is in the ordinary parts of lives, making each day extra-ordinary.

Disclaimer: The opinions or viewpoints expressed in the books spotlighted on this blog are not necessarily endorsed by Kimberly Rose Johnson. I rarely read the books prior to their spotlight. It is my intent to always present clean Christian fiction, but I can not guarantee that happens all the time. Please use your own discretion.