Protection Inc. Series is Complete!

It’s hard to believe that in less than twelve months I’ve written and uploaded five books in a series. I’ve never written a five book series before. I used to get burned out by book four, but not with this one. In fact when several people said in their reviews of Certain Threat that it was the final book in the series, I found myself disappointed because I wanted to write more, had planned to write more. I have no idea where the idea that Certain Threat was the final book came from, especially since I wrote in the author notes that there would be two more books.

I write for readers, so because it was out there that the series was complete I was confused and uncertain what to do. I finally decided I would write the books I had planned. I’m so happy I did! It’s now complete and all the characters that were supposed to have their story told have been told. Yay!

This was absolutely the most fun series I’ve ever written. I’m not sure what’s different about this one since when I’m writing a book, it’s always my favorite.

Books four and five are available for pre-order on Amazon. They are each discounted by one dollar. Both books will be enrolled in Kindle Unlimited once they release. If you plan to read in Kindle Unlimited, would you please add the book to your wish list on Amazon? Something else that will really help get the book noticed is if you will add it to your “want to read” list on GoodReads. Thanks so much!

If you click on the picture below it will take you the series page on Amazon.