The Chase

The Chase by Diann Mills is sure to keep you turning the pages.

A journalist turned best selling author wants to write a story about an unsolved crime. The problem is that she is a women’s fiction writer, not a suspense writer. Her agent is completely against the switch, but Kariss Walker doesn’t care. She needs to write this story even if she ends up publishing it herself. Thanks to her friendship with a higher up in the FBI and her best seller status she is given permission to shadow the FBI for a few months to better equip her writing.

Tigo doesn’t appreciate having a writer following him, especially when he is on the cusp of busting a weapons ring, but Kariss grows on him and eventually decides to let her tag along with him and his partner when they go to question an informant at the hospital. Things at the hospital don’t go as planned though and Kariss’s life is put in danger.

I bought The Chase ages ago and because it was on my Nook, which I seldom use anymore, I forgot about it. Thankfully my husband does use my Nook and needed a little help with it. I was thrilled to find this suspense on it and devoured it. I highly recommend The Chase. For those of you who are like me and only read books with romance you won’t be disappointed, but I wouldn’t call this a romantic suspense because the romance thread is light and doesn’t drive the story.