• Celebrating A New Release

    Have you every had one of those weeks filled with surprises. Well, last week was mine and this week is yours. My publisher decided, rather spontaneously, to put seven full length contemporary romance novels into one collection and list it for only 99¢. She also added it to Kindle Unlimited, so you can read it for free.  🙂 My book A Love to Treasure is included in the collection, Buy link for I Choose You on Amazon  This is a bonus Valentine’s bonus, heads up. Beginning tomorrow Feb 12, 2019 through Feb. 23, 2019 you can download A Love Song for Kayla for FREE.  Here’s the link.  

  • Happy July & A Free Book Announcement

      I can’t believe it is already July! Where does the time go? I suppose it’s going so fast because I’ve been so busy. Did you noticed my website is new? I loved the old design, but the site was old and needed to be updated. In the process I had my web designer move my blog to my actual site but sadly lost all of my wonderful subscribers. Thank you to those of you who have re-subscribed. If you haven’t been receiving a weekly post from me and you believe re-subscribed please check your spam or junk mail for your confirmation link. You must click the link to complete…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day Sale

    Hi everyone, I hope you don’t mind an extra post this week. I wanted to let you know about a special sale I have on two of my books. Today only you can get both A Love Song for Kayla and An Encore for Estelle for only 99¢!

  • A Waltz for Amber Releases and More

    Happy Monday! As part of my fall tradition, I have exciting news to share with you today. My annual Christmas book releases today. This year’s book is number three in my Melodies of Love series. Here’s the back cover summary. Their passion for the arts divides them. Can they overcome their differences and find true harmony? Amber, a struggling dance teacher, is desperate to make a success of her studio. The quickly approaching Christmas recital should help except for one problem—the high school music teacher scheduled the holiday program on the same night, causing a conflict for her students. Will she be able to sustain her business or will she…

  • #NewRelease A Love Song for Kayla by Kimberly Rose Johnson

    In an earlier post I mentioned that I would be going indie. Well, I did it! Feb. 2nd I released A Love Song for Kayla. This book was originally published in 2015 by my then publisher, but since I have my rights back, I changed the title and put on a new cover. The story is the same. Here is the back cover blurb. When two strangers cross paths their lives are forever altered. Ever since she was sixteen Kayla Russell has dreamed of her perfect man. She even went so far as to make a list of desired qualities. The list has proven to be a bust since no…

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