• An Encore For Estelle The Story Behind the Story

    The Story Behind the Writing of Encore for Estelle By Kimberly Rose Johnson   Writing An Encore for Estelle was an experience like no other for me. I wrote it in about five weeks not including editing time. I generally like three to four months to write a story. However, that was not possible with this book since I wanted to release it four months after I released, A Love Song for Kayla, the first book in my Melodies of Love series. I had received the rights back on this book from my publisher and wanted to get it up on Amazon before Valentine’s Day. I succeeded, but didn’t consider…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day Sale

    Hi everyone, I hope you don’t mind an extra post this week. I wanted to let you know about a special sale I have on two of my books. Today only you can get both A Love Song for Kayla and An Encore for Estelle for only 99¢!

  • An Encore for Estelle #NewRelease by Kimberly Rose Johnson

    I’m super excited to be able to share my newest book, An Encore for Estelle, on release day. It’s not often the timing works out like this. Bonus–it’s still available at the pre-order discount of 99¢. This price will go up soon so act now. Also, the first book  in the series, A Love Song for Kayla, is on sale this week for 99¢ as well. Here is the back cover blurb. The theater ties them together but a painful past could pull them apart. At a crossroads, former movie star Estelle Rogers, returns to the place that set her life on a new course. Although she expects a rough…

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