• A Merry Little Christmas

    A Merry Little Christmas by Anita Higman is a romance that takes place in the sixties. When Franny was eighteen her parents were killed by a falling tree. She was left to run their 250 acre farm alone. She’s had the farm on the market for twelve years and figures no one will ever buy it. But she doesn’t give up on her dream to move to the city and become a radio d jay. One day Charlie Landau, the son of a rich businessman, shows up offers to buy her farm. It is abundantly clear that Charlie doesn’t know the first thing about farming, but it has always been…

  • Love Finds You in Wildrose North Dakota

    Love Finds You in Wildrose North Dakota, by Tracy Bateman is a wonderful love story that I had a hard time putting down. Rosemary Jackson can’t wait to see her twin sister, Rachel. Her sister married a man who worked on their Pa’s cattle ranch. He wanted to have his own homestead so they moved to North Dakota. Rosemary hoped to run the ranch once her Pa passed, but he didn’t believe a woman could or should own a ranch. With no other option Rosemary sets off to live with her sister and brother-in-law. A horrible blizzard hits while she is in route. The freight driver she rode with finally…

  • Glamorous Illusions

    Glamorous Illusions by Lisa T. Bergren probably has one of my all time favorite romance covers. I love just about anything with the Eiffel Tower on it, but this is just plain beautiful.  The story was gripping and I could see it playing out in my mind, but I must warn you the ending disappointed me. The story just stopped. It reminded me of  how series were written back in the 80’s and 90’s. The stories continued into the next book, and in order to find out what happened you had to keep buying the books. I stopped buying books that were part of a series for quite a while…

  • Joy Takes Flight

    Joy Takes Flight by Bonnie Leon is the final book in the Alaskan Skies series. I’m happy to say this book will stand alone, but I think you’d enjoy it more if you start from book one. Kate and Paul finally marry and begin their life together. Kate is unwilling to be just a wife and struggles to maintain her independence as an Alaskan bush pilot. Things become even more complicated when she becomes pregnant. Paul is still haunted by the guilt he’s had since his first wife and child died. He moved from San Fransisco to Alaska to flee the memories and now they all come flooding back when…

  • Dawn Comes Early

    In the mood for an awesome western romance? Dawn Comes Early, by Margaret Brownley follows dime novelist Kate Tenney. Kate’s latest book is banned in Boston and now no one will hire her. With no family or any other skills she replies to a  post seeking an heiress for a cattle ranch in Arizona. Kate hopes that real ranch life is like what she wrote in her books, but quickly finds out she didn’t have a clue. However she is determined to prove herself capable. Blacksmith Luke Adams is a distraction Kate doesn’t want, and she can’t get him from her mind. But if she is to become heiress of…

  • From A Distance

    Historical romance, From a Distance by Tamera Alexander is book one in the Timber Ridge Reflections series. Photographer Elizabeth Garrett is on the job interview of a lifetime for the Washington Daily Chronicle. If she succeeds in her mission she will be the first female staff photographer and  journalist the Chronicle has ever hired. She heads West to Colorado to photograph the amazing scenery and wildlife. She especially wants to meet the Ute to photograph and interview them. But only one man, Daniel Ranslett, has contact with the tribe and he isn’t interested in helping. Daniel Ranslett lives a solitary life in the mountains until he shoots the elk of…

  • Highland Sanctuary

    Highland Sanctuary by Jennifer Hudson Taylor had me hooked from page one. I didn’t know this about myself until recently, but I love books set in Scotland back in the 1400’s. This is the third book I’ve read set in time period and I can’t get enough of them. At birth Serena Boyd’s life took a sad turn when her father discovered she had fits (seizures) and declared she was demon possessed. From that point on Serena and her mother live in fear that people will discover her ailment. They escape her father and flee to the village of misfits where people with abnormalities are accepted. Gavin MacKenzie and his…

  • A Hope Undaunted

    A Hope Undaunted, a historical romance  by Julie Lessman had me riveted. Usually it takes a romantic suspense to do that, but this book delivered with plenty of natural tension. Katie O’Connor has her life all planned out. She will marry a wealthy man and become an attorney representing women’s rights. But when her boyfriend delivers her home late one time too many her dad grounds her for the summer and forces her to volunteer at  Boston Children’s Aid Society. A move that changes the course of her life. Luke McGee, along with his best friend run Boston Children’s Aid Society. He is determined to make life miserable for Katie…