• Guilt Free

    Recently I listened to several stay-at-home moms of young children talk about the guilt they often feel because they are not in the workforce. They expressed feeling as if they always had to be doing something productive to justify staying at home with their children, to the point that even taking a break to read was too much. This broke my heart. People who have jobs get breaks and lunch breaks to do as they please, and believe me, staying at home with children, keeping the house clean, preparing meals, doing the carpool thing etc… is a job–just one that doesn’t pay monetarily. To all you stay-at-home parents please listen.…

  • A Mom’s New Start

    Contemporary romance, A Mom’s New Start, by Margaret Daley hooked me on page one. Maggie is helping her town put the pieces back together after a hurricane destroyed it nine months ago. Things seemed to be improving until her thirteen-year-old son starts showing signs of depression. She will do anything to help him, including enlisting the help of Cody, a counselor sent by a Christian aid service, to help the townspeople cope and deal with their feelings. Through the process Maggie and Cody grow closer and Maggie discovers that Cody doesn’t have it all together like he appears to. I will leave it at that because I don’t want to…

  • Time?

    When I first added this second weekly post I tackled the subject of busyness, but many people have the opposite problem. Are you someone who doesn’t know what to do now that the kids are back in school? I thought I’d have this problem when my kids were young and going to school all day, but was amazed at how easily I filled my time. However if you are still wondering what to do with those six or so hours the kids are away here are a few ideas. 1. Join a club that explores your passion. For example  scrap booking, sewing, knitting, hiking, bicycling, rowing, cooking, gardening, or a…