• A Day in the Life of a Writer

    Happy Monday! I’m a little late getting this posted today. I had a book spotlight on the calendar, but it didn’t work out. So I have a plan B. Have you ever wondered about the day in the life of a writer?  I suspect my day is similar to yours, except I might start working earlier than many of you. My work day generally begins by 6:30 a.m. Yes you read that right. J I post on social media and try to catch up with anything I missed from the night before–I’m not a night person, so I miss a lot of posts that happened while I was sleeping. Since…

  • Feeling Overwhelmed

    Are you feeling overwhelmed? Does life feel like a never ending roller coaster? You are not alone. This time of year is especially busy. Between going to Christmas programs, shopping, baking, working and keeping up with every day life it can all become too much to deal with. Below are a few suggestions to help you cope. 1. Cut back on the number of parties you attend. Rather than go to every party you are invited to, choose to go to the one that matters the most. Maybe you especially want to go to more than one and if that fits into your schedule then go for it! After all…