• Happy Fall

    My favorite season of the year is Fall. I love how the leaves change colors and I even enjoy that they fall off, although, I don’t enjoy the mess said leaves make once they fall. 🙂 The tree pictured above was one of many trees my husband and I walked past the other day while taking our afternoon stroll. This week I’m at a screenwriter’s intensive retreat. Hopefully learning oodles and growing by leaps and bounds in my pursuit to be a successful screenwriter. I’ve written one screenplay that I adapted from my book,  A Waltz for Amber. Although I didn’t sell the screenplay it was enough to get a movie…

  • Happy July & A Free Book Announcement

      I can’t believe it is already July! Where does the time go? I suppose it’s going so fast because I’ve been so busy. Did you noticed my website is new? I loved the old design, but the site was old and needed to be updated. In the process I had my web designer move my blog to my actual site but sadly lost all of my wonderful subscribers. Thank you to those of you who have re-subscribed. If you haven’t been receiving a weekly post from me and you believe re-subscribed please check your spam or junk mail for your confirmation link. You must click the link to complete…