• Welcoming Summer

    From watching the news and listening to others on social media I see that summer has arrived. We are finally having summer weather in Oregon. 🙂 It’s a rare treat for me to have both of my boys home at the same time, but for two days, I was able to enjoy having my entire family together. It almost felt like Christmas lol. For dinner I made a family favorite–lasagna, and we even all sat a the table together for dinner. That was rare when they were teens due to their after school activities taking up much of the evening. Now they are both college graduates! In preparation for my…

  • A Day in the Life of a Writer

    Happy Monday! I’m a little late getting this posted today. I had a book spotlight on the calendar, but it didn’t work out. So I have a plan B. Have you ever wondered about the day in the life of a writer?  I suspect my day is similar to yours, except I might start working earlier than many of you. My work day generally begins by 6:30 a.m. Yes you read that right. J I post on social media and try to catch up with anything I missed from the night before–I’m not a night person, so I miss a lot of posts that happened while I was sleeping. Since…

  • 10 Things to do before Summer Ends

    1. Visit a water park or swimming pool 2. Go to a zoo or museum 3. Picnic at your favorite park, lake, or river 4. Take a hike or go biking 5. Go camping 6. Visit an amusement park 7. See a movie 8. Go to an outdoor concert 9. Go to a play 10. Take a day trip to a local tourist attraction Now it’s your turn. What ideas do you have to share? What is your best end of summer memory, besides school starting?:)