• Do you have Five Minutes?

    Over the past four weeks I’ve shared about managing time, and recently I was reminded of a person I once knew who complained she never had more than five free minutes at a time which wasn’t enough time to accomplish anything. I beg to differ. Here’s a short list of five minute tasks. It’s not comprehensive by any means, but meant to point out that important tasks can be accomplished even when you only have five minutes. 1. Skim email for for important messages 2. Wash dishes 3. Clean the bathroom 4.  Make the bed–this job should leave you with time to spare 5. De-clutter the family room–if super messy…

  • Boot camp for the Time Challenged Part 2

    Last week I challenged you to determine what is important to you and to begin to cut the non-essentials from your life. How did that go? Did you find something you could cut from your day? From your week? Continue reading to find out what is next. Schedule your day–This strategy may or may not work for you, but I have found it to be essential. I am self-employed and a full-time mom. Without a set schedule I would never accomplish everything I need to do. A typical school day goes as follows for me. Flexibility is key for me so I don’t become discouraged when something doesn’t go as…

  • Boot Camp for the Time Challenged Part 1

    Crunched for time? Keep reading for tips to ease the load. Over the next four weeks I will lay out strategies that will help you organize your time, freeing up valuable minutes in your day. Set priorities—If it is not important cut it from your day. If you don’t value it stop doing it. There are only 24 hours in a day and we all have the same amount of time. What you do with your time defines who you are and what is important to you. This week I challenge you to take five minutes and figure out what is most important to you, and write it down. What…