• My Anti-Valentine’s Day Book

    Anyone who knows me or has been following me for awhile knows Valentine’s Day is not one of my favorite days. That being said, since writing my anti-Valentine’s Day book, A Love Song for Kayla, my attitude is improving a little bit each year. If you subscribe to my newsletter you know why my attitude has improved. If you don’t, suffice it to say, I’ve lowered my expectations. Regardless of how you feel about the day, I hope you will check out my ebook A Love Song for Kayla which is currently only 99¢ until Feb. 18, 2023.  The book as well as the series compilation is free to read…

  • A Valentine for You

    This morning my husband and I decided to escape our freezing house and take a drive to charge our phones and go to Target. On Friday night we lost power due to a big ice event in our area. Anyway as we were strolling though a darkened Target, I saw Valentine’s Day cards displayed. They had lost power too, but had enough lights to see and the self -checkout open. Due to all the craziness of the past couple of days Valentine’s Day slipped my mind. I wished my honey a Happy Valentine’s Day and kept walking–we don’t exchange gifts. Several years ago I sat down to write on Valentine’s Day…

  • Celebrating A New Release

    Have you every had one of those weeks filled with surprises. Well, last week was mine and this week is yours. My publisher decided, rather spontaneously, to put seven full length contemporary romance novels into one collection and list it for only 99¢. She also added it to Kindle Unlimited, so you can read it for free.  🙂 My book A Love to Treasure is included in the collection, Buy link for I Choose You on Amazon  This is a bonus Valentine’s bonus, heads up. Beginning tomorrow Feb 12, 2019 through Feb. 23, 2019 you can download A Love Song for Kayla for FREE.  Here’s the link.  

  • Happy Valentine’s Day Sale

    Hi everyone, I hope you don’t mind an extra post this week. I wanted to let you know about a special sale I have on two of my books. Today only you can get both A Love Song for Kayla and An Encore for Estelle for only 99¢!