• What Do You Think?

    Since I’m basically starting from scratch with this blog, thanks to losing all of my subscribers when I had my  blog moved to my website, I’d like to hear what you would like to see on this blog. Historically, I’ve used this blog to inform readers about new books, but I’m open to something knew.

  • What do You Think?

    It has been a couple of weeks since I began posting author interviews on Mondays. I’m curious what my regular followers think of this change. Do you like it? If not what would you like to see? As per usual my Thursday posts are random and I’m open to ideas of what you would like to read about. This coming Monday’s post will be an interview with author Rebecca Carey Lyles. She will offer an Ebook giveaway of her book Winds of Wyoming. Be sure to check back next week and leave a comment to be entered to win. It’s not too late to enter this weeks drawing. Simply answer JoAnn…