• Follow Your Passion

    Anyone who knows me can tell that one of my passions is writing. I love it! I enjoy the creative process, I like talking shop, and I like spending several hours a day writing. Basically I simply love everything about writing–except maybe editing. 🙂 This past weekend I was fortunate to attend a one-day writers conference. I don’t know about anyone else, but being around people with same passion as me is inspiring. I hesitated going, but am very glad I made the decision to attend. While there I took a class on writing short. The focus was on devotionals. My plan is to post a few here in the…

  • Contract News!

    For over a month now I’ve struggled to stay quiet about this, but now I can finally announce– Heartsong Presents, an imprint of Harlequin, has contracted three books from me. I am ecstatic! Special thanks to my agent, Tamela Hancock Murrray for her unfailing confidence in me and to my amazing critique partners. The series will take place in Leavenworth WA, a Bavaria themed village. I’ve posted several pictures from my latest visit to the town. Each of these locations are featured in the series. I hope you enjoy. If you would like to see more pictures check out my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/KimberlyRoseJohnson?ref=hl