The Sympathetic Seagull

2012-12-31 21.34.26On a recent trip I spotted this one legged seagull. I’d never seen a one legged seagull and was fascinated by how well it got around. After allowing me to snap a few pictures it flew off to a couple of other women and hopped around in front of them. Of course they too noticed it only had one leg. I pointed out the bird to my husband. He was skeptical and suggested it must have another leg tucked. I continued to watch the bird with fascination.

The women proceeded to throw bread to the bird and the next thing I knew it suddenly had two legs. That little stinker was faking in order to play off the sympathy of the women. My husband and I had a good laugh over this.

It’s hard to believe a bird could be this smart, but then I imagine it’s a learned survival skill.

I don’t have anything profound for you today, although I’m sure there are many analogies that can be drawn from this seagull.