Follow Your Passion

Anyone who knows me can tell that one of my passions is writing. I love it! I enjoy the creative process, I like talking shop, and I like spending several hours a day writing. Basically I simply love everything about writing–except maybe editing. 🙂

This past weekend I was fortunate to attend a one-day writers conference. I don’t know about anyone else, but being around people with same passion as me is inspiring. I hesitated going, but am very glad I made the decision to attend.

While there I took a class on writing short. The focus was on devotionals. My plan is to post a few here in the near future.

I believe everyone should have a passion–something that would be life altering if it wasn’t a part of their life. What is your passion? What do you do to help you pursue that passion?


  • JoAnn Durgin

    Hi, Kimberly. I had to respond to this because I was nodding my head while reading. I’m sure you know my passion is writing Christian romance fiction. I agree that getting together with other writers who share your passion is a natural “high” unlike any other. It’s so energizing! And, also like you, I “used” to hate the word “edit” (it IS a four-letter word, after all). But, I’m learning to appreciate (but hesitate to say LOVE) editing. I’ve written several flash fiction pieces to write “short,” but haven’t written many devotionals. I’ll look forward to reading some here on your wonderful blog. Many blessings.

    • Kimberly Rose Johnson

      Hi JoAnn,
      I don’t think I will ever love editing either, but since I don’t like seeing mistakes and I like getting published it’s necessary.:)
      Have you ever posted any of your flash fiction anywhere? I’d love to read it.

      • JoAnn Durgin

        Mistakes make me cringe (the repeated lines are the worst…one in Awakening and one in Daydreams). I entered three flash fiction pieces in My Book Therapy contests (I don’t think they do the contests anymore, but it was my way of proving to myself that I COULD writer shorter pieces effectively, and it’s a great exercise for writers). One piece won, and the others both placed in the top three. I’ll send them to you via e-mail. I believe I have them on my home computer (even though it’s a newer computer) when I’m home later tonight. Blessings on your day, Kimberly!