Dipping my Toes into Indie Publishing

For the past two years I’ve been very focused on writing. Consequently, I’ve been relatively quiet on this blog. Since 2015 I’ve had ten books release and keeping up with it all has been a huge challenge. This blog was a victim of my crazy, busy writing schedule. I went from putting out weekly author interviews to spotlighting new or newish books releases. In 2017, I will continue with the spotlights, but my plan is to write a personal blog for you whenever there is an opening in my blog schedule.
This time around, I thought I’d let you know what I’ve been up to so far this year. I received my rights back for my first five published books. My plan is to do a little re-writing and editing for each of these books and then re-publish them with new titles and covers–I will be clear that the books were previously published under a different title. There is nothing more frustrating when you are buying a new book, only to discover you already own it but with a different cover and title–been there done that.
The final book in my Sunriver Dreams series releases in April from my current publisher. After that I will be publishing on my own. I was given the opportunity to continue writing for my current publisher, but felt the Lord leading me to indie publish.
Professionally, I expect 2017 will be a time of growth and learning, and hopefully a lot less stress. Personally we are remolding our bathrooms and working to update our flooring, paint, etc… I spent the week after Christmas painting–not my favorite activity, but I’m really glad to only have one room left to paint.
I hope 2017 proves to be a great year for everyone!

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