A Year in the Life of a Writer #AmWriting

Kimberly Rose Johnson here. At the beginning of the year I mentioned that I would be filling in on the weeks when I didn’t have any books in my schedule to tell you about. As it turned out there were only a few months with a free Monday.
Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.Mason Cooley (1)
I know most people reflect on their year around the new year, but I’m planning to take the month of December off from blogging. If time allows I might post a few fun posts.
Speaking of time, 2017 has been by far my most published year. Since February I have independently published eight books! Five of them were previously published. I also had one traditionally published book with Mountain Brook Ink. I recently signed a contract with MBI for three more books that will begin releasing in July of 2018. In addition to that, three of my books with Mountain Brook Ink were made into audio books! You can find them here. Sunriver Dreams series on Audible
I can not believe how quickly this year has flown by! LOL Probably a sign that I need to slow down. Which is exactly what I plan to do beginning this December and into 2018. I have two, possibly three, independently published books planned to release in 2018. I suppose that’s a lot since I have to write them all, but one is already finished and my contracted book is close, so it’s not as bad as it sounds. 🙂
My theme scripture verse this year has been Philippians 4:13 (King Jame version) I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
What about you? How was 2017 for you? Did you accomplish a benchmark goal? Perhaps you met a reading goal. Did you have a couple of books that stood out to you this past year?
Below is a collage of the books I independently published this year. A Christmas Surprise, A Love That Lasts, and A Waltz for Amber are all Christmas and holiday reads. I state holiday because A Love to Remember focuses more around Thanksgiving.
Indie book collage 2

Kimberly Rose Johnson books on Amazon

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