Spring Fever Day Seven with Kimberly Rose Johnson

Welcome to day seven! I hope you’ve been enjoying this event that I’m taking part in. Please remember to click over to the contest landing page to enter. The giveaway does not take place here.
The Reluctant Groom is a modern day marriage of convenience story that takes place in Seattle, Washington. Because I went to college in the Seattle area I felt like I had a pretty good feel for the area. I discovered I was wrong last spring when my husband and I went to visit our son who attends college in the same area.
It didn’t take long for me to realize the Seattle I remembered had changed in the past twenty-five years. For starters, it was louder and dirtier than I remembered. I noticed the smells, sounds, and energy of the city on this trip, and guess what? I needed to do some re-writing. I’m glad I held off on publishing this book since I needed to change a few things to make believable.
The biggest change I had to make regarded an ally that’s in the story. I had it written like alleyways in my hometown. Big mistake! The other thing I did was add the scent of garbage and the sound of seagulls.
All that being said, the story remained the same. Then the unthinkable happened. I discovered another book that was very similar to mine, so I was afraid to publish mine. To be honest, I was devastated. I tucked the story away and pretty much forgot about it. Then one day I remembered and brought it up in my Facebook readers group. They encouraged me to publish it anyway.
I truly love this story and I hope you will as well. Here the back cover blurb.
When everything goes wrong, can two friends discover true love?
When Ray O’Brien’s world is turned upside down, Katie Fairchild wants to help, but the personal cost is high. Neither desires a marriage of convenience, but when Katie blurts the first thing that comes to her mind Ray can’t dismiss her offer of marriage. It would solve all his problems except for one thing—they aren’t in love.
Can these two friends team up for the greater good and perhaps find love along the way, or are their expectations impossible?
This book is currently listed for $1.99 but the price will rise to the regular price $3.49 sometime in the next thirty days.
Purchase link: The Reluctant Groom https://amzn.to/2FoJ00s
IMG_4314-2 PublicityFaith Hope and Love Reader’s Choice Finalist, Kimberly Rose Johnson, married her college sweetheart and lives in the Pacific Northwest. From a young child Kimberly has been an avid reader. That love of reading fostered a creative mind and led to her passion for writing. She especially loves romance and writes contemporary romance that warms the heart and feeds the soul.
Kimberly holds a degree in Behavioral Science from Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington, and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.
You can sign up for Kimberly’s newsletter via her website by clicking to the homepage above. Or by clicking Kimberly’s Newsletter sign up
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Website: https://www.kimberlyrjohnson.com
Don’t forget to add another chance to win in the Spring Fever Promotion. Today’s secret word is Seattle. Enter the Spring Giveaway here.

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