I’m Supposed to Relax?

I’ve been told more than once that my muscles are tense or tight depending on who is working on them. Yep, I am aware. I feel the pain. But anyone who knows me also knows I’m a rather chill person. I am generally calm and don’t get worked up easily.

So why are my muscles always so tight? I think it’s because I don’t practice relaxing. I tend to be always working on thinking about working–a pitfall of being self employed.

I have been actively trying to figure out things that help me relax and I’ve come up with a few.

  1. Breathing deeply.
  2. Playing the piano.
  3. Doing something out of the ordinary. By that I mean getting away from my home–also my office.

Last weekend my husband and I decided to take a day trip to Sisters, Oregon. If you follow me on social media you already know this. 🙂 I don’t get out much, so when I do I share everywhere lol.

As long as I’ve known my husband he’s always loved cars and wanted to go to a classic car show. He never had until last weekend when by chance there was one going on in Sisters. 🙂 Below is a pickup I thought was fabulous. Isn’t it amazing?

We really enjoyed walking along the street that had been blocked off for the show. Before that we had visited our favorite coffee shop in the small western themed town. My husband often reads on his phone, so I didn’t think anything of it when he had is phone out, and it was facing me. I was simply enjoying the cool mountain air, the birds, people watching, and of course my yummy mocha. Trivia moment: If you read my Sunriver Dreams series this is the same coffee shop where the ladies visit when they go Christmas shopping. Unfortunately, the building pictured behind me is not that place.

After coffee we wandered through the stores and eventually found ourselves off the beaten path. We like to get away from the crowds and Sisters is pretty crowded on weekends. Isn’t it pretty there?

What do you do that helps you relax? I have to say, this was a very relaxing day for both of us. 🙂


  • Phyllis - Among the Reads

    I haven’t been to Sisters in so long! What a great way to relax. 🙂

    I think I am probably like you. I don’t stress easily, yet I don’t really do relaxing well. I do love to go for walks and to read.

    • Kimberly Rose Johnson

      That relaxing thing is tough lol. 🙂
      I’m so thankful we went the weekend we did because there weren’t any wildfires yet. Now there are.
      If you ever get back to Oregon please let me know and if you have the time we can do coffee.