The Good the Bad and the Ugly

Life has been unsettling for most of use these past several months, but recently my husband and I experienced something we’d never had to deal with before. While on vacation to Central Oregon the fires in Oregon exploded thanks to a strong wind storm.

Our first two days in Central Oregon were spent at a hotel along the Deschutes River in Bend. I took these pictures  from our hotel balcony.


From Bend we moved on to Sunriver where we were able to enjoy a couple of days before the smoke moved in big time. This is a picture I took while riding a bicycle along a river trail. Isn’t it gorgeous? I can’t get over how blue the sky is, considering what would move in the very next day.

We ended up leaving a day earlier than expected because the smoke started getting into the house we were renting. We couldn’t return home the way we had come due to the fires. The towns we had driven through earlier in the week had been destroyed by fire and the pass was closed. We drove two to three hours out of our way to get home and were taken aback at the amount of smoke we had to drive through. At times visibility was lest the one hundred feet.

Thankfully, the smoke has cleared. Though the the fires are still burning they are much improved from what I hear. Things are feeling much more normal now PTL. Please pray for the firefighters and for those displaced by the fires.

I hope and pray you are staying safe and healthy.

In case you missed it, Certain Threat releases Oct. 6th. It’s available for pre-order for 99¢.