Happy New Year

Photo credit to Austin Johnson

There is something special about a new year. It’s a time when many of us look for a fresh start and determine to make positive changes. I generally don’t make a big deal out of a new year, but after 2020 and trying to navigate all the uncertainties I decided enough is enough.

I’m still doing everything I was doing in 2020, but I’ve changed my perspective. I’ve set writing goals, and I made a plan. It’s been incredibly motivating!

This year I have two books that will release. Dark Threat, book four in my Protection Inc., series will release June 1st., and the final book in the series is slated to release October 5th. I have really enjoyed having deadlines and feel like I’m finally back on track.

The crazy thing about my last sentence is that deadlines usually stress me out, which was the biggest reason I turned down the last writing contract I was offered. However, in this instance these deadlines have been like a breath of fresh air. The books will be going on tour with Celebrate Lit. so I literally have hard deadlines–exactly what I needed!

I hope 2021 proves to be a better year for you and yours. Take care and stay safe!

What is one thing you are doing differently in 2021? If nothing has changed for you, what do you most look forward to this year?