Happy Thanksgiving and Bargain Books

Happy Thanksgiving Eve


I know we will all be busy tomorrow, so I’m sending this a day early. I hope you have a blessed holiday with family and friends if you are celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow.

I spent my morning baking all things apple.

What’s your favorite Fall flavor? 

I used to think mine was pumpkin, but I’m rethinking that and now it’s apple.

I wanted to take a moment to let you know about a couple bargain books that are now available and one that will be coming soon.

First up for bargain books is the next book in The Puppies for Christmas series. This book is by Lyn Cote and is available right now for only 99¢. You can find it on Amazon.

Next up is my upcoming Christmas release, also in the Puppies for Christmas series. This is a romantic suspense novella. It’s 99¢ on pre-order and will be in Kindle Unlimited once it releases. Amazon link.

Finally, my publisher just released this collection. It includes three novels and four novellas for only 99¢. It’s also free to read with Kindle Unlimited. I have two books in the collection. The novel is my most recent release and the other is an older novella that I absolutely love. The setting was inspired by Silverton, Oregon. Available on Amazon.

I hope you have blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!