Spring Fever giveaway mem
Feature Author #8 is Stacy Monson, author of the award-winning Chain of Lakes series. She writes stories that show an extraordinary God at work in ordinary life. Residing in the Twin Cities, she is the wife of a juggling, unicycling physical education teacher, mom to two amazing kids and two wonderful in-law kids, and a very proud grandma.
Here’s a bit about each book:
SHATTERED IMAGE (Book 1): Just a mall-town Iowa boy, Peter is living his dream of music, fame, and the celebrity life but secretly wonders why it’s not what he expected. Fired from the only job she knows how to do, smiling pretty for the camera, Kiera struggles to make sense of life outside the spotlight.
DANCE OF GRACE (Book 2): Vanessa has lost everything and is angry at everyone, including God. Especially God. Kurt leaps at the chance to live his dream but finds it may be easier to build a house of cards than a safe haven for troubled kids.
THE COLOR OF TRUTH (Book 3): Sam managed to pull his life together after some rocky teen years, only to have his new life blown to bits. Marti believes the lies she’s lived under her whole life; she’s never known anything different. A better life seems unattainable to both of them.
These true to life characters struggle with issues just like anyone else—identity, forgiveness, redemption, grief. Who am I? What am I supposed to be doing? Is there a way out of the chaos of my life? All of them learn lessons they never expected, truths that seemed impossible to believe, and discover forgiveness, joy, and love along the way.
Stacy’s next book, Open Circle, will release later this spring.
If you’d like to know more about Stacy’s books, be the first to know when books release, get yummy recipes, and discover new authors, sign up for her newsletter at stacymonson.com. As thanks for joining the fun, you’ll receive a FREE ebook version of Shattered Image.

The Color of Truth is on sale right now for $.99!! Get it here before the sale ends: https://www.books2read.com/The-Color-of-Truth

And today’s Word of the Day is: extraordinary. Enter the Spring Fever Giveaway.