Spring Fever Day 2 with Brenda S. Anderson

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Welcome to Day 2 of the 2018 Spring Fever Book Promotion!
Thanks to Barbara Ellen Brink for kicking off the event yesterday! And over the next nine days you’ll discover nine additional contemporary authors who will take you on adventures that will carry you through the rest of the winter. So curl up next to the fireplace with a blanket, a nice warm cup of hot cocoa, and a book!
Today we’re spotlighting Brenda S. Anderson. Brenda writes gritty and authentic, life-affirming fiction. She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, and is Past-President of the ACFW Minnesota chapter, MN-NICE, the 2016 ACFW Chapter of the Year. When not reading or writing, she enjoys music, theater, roller coasters, and baseball (Go Twins!), and she loves watching movies with her family. She resides in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area with her husband of 30 years, their three children, and one sassy cat.
Brenda is excited to tell the world about her next book project with The Potter’s House Books! In the Fall of 2017, Brenda was invited to join six other authors to tell stories of Hope, Redemption, and Second Chances. Long Way Home, coming out on May 8, is Brenda’s first book in the Potter’s House Series. You can find more information here: https://pottershousebooks.com/. For those who’ve read Brenda’s Coming Home Series, you’ll be reunited with a bunch of old friends! A short story bridging the Coming Home Series with Brenda’s Potter’s House stories will be coming out soon!
The best way to learn about updates and book releases is to sign up for Brenda’s enewsletter (https://brendaandersonbooks.com/subscribe/). She’s even giving away a free ebook of Risking Love, a Where the Heart Is Romance #1, just for signing up!
During this ten-day celebration, you can pick up an ecopy of Capturing Beauty, book #2 in Brenda’s Where the Heart Is series, for only $2.99. That’s a savings of $2.00 off regular price! Purchase here: https://books2read.com/CapturingBeauty.
Here’s the back-cover blurb for Capturing Beauty:
He’s a nature photographer returning to make amends.
She’s a camera-shy naturalist seeking privacy.
Their love for a boy brings them together,
But the camera could drive them apart.
Photographer Haven Carlysle is a changed man. Six years earlier, he had run from his tragedy-filled life in Duluth. Now he’s back in town to capture the North Shore’s beauty … and to recapture the love of his son. But that means making amends with his ex-girlfriend too. When camera-leery Callie Beaumont steps in to bridge the relationship between Haven and his former family, he’s wary, but she’s his only hope.
Callie Beaumont is surrounded by beauty. Her parents are local news celebrities. Her sister is a model. And Callie is … Ordinary. All her life, Callie has longed to work outdoors soaking up God-breathed beauty, and the opportunity is finally on the horizon. But being the liaison between the handsome photographer and his son has thrown her dreams, and her heart, into chaos.
Can Haven capture her heart when she won’t let him capture her image? And will his poor choices cost Callie her dream job and him the love of his son?
Connect with Brenda:

For an additional chance to enter and win, the secret word for today is Lilac. Enter Giveaway.
Be sure to check in tomorrow as we meet Lindsey Brackett!