Spring Fever Day 3 with Lindsey P. Brackett

Welcome to day three of the Spring Fever Giveaway. Be sure to follow the link to the landing page for the giveaway. Commenting here will not enter you.Spring Fever giveaway mem
Welcome to day three of the Spring Fever Giveaway.
Lindsey P. Brackett writes southern fiction and cooks big family meals, but she complains about the dishes. Her debut novel, Still Waters, released in 2017. Someday she hopes to balance motherhood and writing full-time. Until then, she’s just very grateful for her public school system.
Facebook Author Page: Lindsey P. Brackett
Instagram: @lindseypbrackett
Website: https://www.lindseypbrackett.com

Still Waters

Cora Anne graduated from college with a plan that didn’t involve her grandmother’s ramshackle beach cottage or Tennessee Watson, a local builder dedicated to the preservation of Edisto Island—and her heart.


Coming soon to newsletter subscribers—A Lowcountry Setting, recipes inspired by Still Waters.
Edisto Beach is our family place—My mother grew up spending summers there, I grew up spending summers there, and now my children experience it. For more about Edisto and its history visit ExploreEdisto.com.
I’m currently working on the next book and a novella for release later this year.
This is fun—Currently I’m a community “star” in Dancing with the Stars for Hope, our annual fundraiser for Circle of Hope, a domestic violence shelter. You can vote for my team, Plot Twist, at www.dancingwiththestarsforhope.com/vote –every $1 vote goes to charity and helps us win the People’s Choice award. My partner is my friend Jeremy and we’re using our theater backgrounds to create an epic number sure to please. The performance will be showcased on March 17!
Be sure to check back tomorrow when I post about Johnnie Alexander!
Spring Fever Giveaway Link.