Boot Camp for the Time Challenge Part 4

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of boot camp. I hope this series has encouraged you to set priorities you can stick with, as well as freed up valuable time for the things you want to do most.

Now that you’ve de-cluttered your life and your surroundings try adding something new to the mix. Something you have always wanted to do. If you’ve cut out the unnecessary and are sticking to a schedule there should be a little time left over to volunteer at your favorite charity, or go hiking, or garden, or knit, or whatever your heart desires. Just remember to stick to your plan and don’t over commit your time. It’s okay to say no.

Remember we all only have twenty-four hours in a day and you determine how you want to spend that time.

One final tip that might help make your day flow a little smoother. Make a list of what absolutely needs to be done and then take great pleasure in checking each of those items off as you accomplish them. If you’re not a list person then skip this and get right with your day.

Next week begins a new topic. If there’s something you’d like to see in future blog posts please let me know in the comments section.

Many blessings and thanks for reading.